Vermilion Parish Schools will be in session on Wednesday, March 30th. Based on weather reports and conversations with the National Weather Center we are going to be in school. As always, weather is unpredictable and if changes are necessary you will be notified on the App, Facebook Page, and via text message.
almost 3 years ago, Thomas Byler
Report cards went home today!
almost 3 years ago, Diane Comeaux
Easter/Spring Basket Raffle (Proceeds go to the Teacher Appreciation Week)
almost 3 years ago, Diane Comeaux
Mrs. Phobe created an awesome rhyme four our raffle baskets
or two...
Take a chance...
All proceeds go to support teacher appreciation week
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 3 years ago, Vermilion Parish School Board
VPSB app
Wednesday, March 23, 2022-EARLY DISMISSAL 11:00 for JH Williams students. (Professional Development Day)
almost 3 years ago, Stacy Bodin
Heads Up for next week-Wednesday, March 23, 2022-EARLY DISMISSAL 11:00 for JH Williams students. (Professional Development Day)
almost 3 years ago, Stacy Bodin
We're thrilled to announce the new app for VPSB! It's everything VPSB, in your pocket. Download for Android: Download for iPhone:
almost 3 years ago, Vermilion Parish School Board
Vermilion Parish Schools announced that REGISTRATION is OPEN for our 2022 BOOST VERMILION Summer Enrichment Program! This FREE program offers a variety of enrichment opportunities for PK-12 students of Vermilion Parish. To register, complete the registration form at: Deadline to register is Wednesday, March 23rd at midnight. Late registration will not be accepted. Students must be currently enrolled in a Vermilion Parish school to register.
about 3 years ago, Stacy Bodin
2002 Summer Boost Program
Students, athletes, and faculty are getting excited about our upcoming softball season! Geaux Wildcats!
about 3 years ago, JHW
softball schedule
students display posters a long lockers
students showcasing posters
Junior Beta Convention will be held February 16 and 17. Good luck Wildcats and have fun!
about 3 years ago, JHW
Spring picture day will be Tuesday, February 15, 2022. Students that plan on purchasing pictures may wear an out of uniform shirt that is within district guidelines (i.e. no spaghetti straps, no inappropriate graphics) and have uniform bottoms.
about 3 years ago, JHW
spring pictures 2/15/22